
Town of Oregon Assessor

Accurate Appraisal, PO Box 415, Menasha, WI 54952

**2025 is a Revaluation Year Notice of Revaluation 2025**

Accurate Appraisal LLC has been contracted by the Town of Oregon to do the assessment of all properties.

Assessment Information on your property is available here 

Video on What Do Assessors Do?

Wisconsin Department of Revenue Property Tax

If you receive a letter and would like to make an appointment to speak to an assessor at Open Book please visit Accurate Appraisal's website or contact them at 1-920-749-8098

Step by Step Instructions to make your Appointment with Accurate

1.  Accurate Appointments .

2.  Location click the drop down arrow and select "Oregon".

3.  Service click the drop down arrow and select "Open Book"

4.  Schedule click the drop down arrow and select a "Date" for your desired appointment date.

5.  On the calendar click on the date you selected and choose your desired time (if time is grayed out it is NOT available).

6.  Fill in your personal information.

7.  Click on “Submit” at the bottom of the page.

Assessor Contact Information

Accurate Appraisal
PO Box 415
Menasha, WI 54952

Additional Resource

Access Dane is a public access web site that includes tax and valuation information for all real estate property in Dane County.  Link to Access Dane

For Property Asmt & Tax Info Click Here!