Johnson 3-18-25 Petition 12156 OREGON
10-18-22 Peterson Petition 11905; 1275 Lathers Road & Info from Dane County
Keller-Grover Petition 8-16-22
Jenkins 11859 Petition 6-21-22 Rezone
2-15-2022 Mesdjian Rezone-CSM Public Hearing
1-18-22 Marshall Rezone Request
9-21-21 Shillingstad Rezone Request DCPREZ-2021-11755
8-17-2021 Mellum-Blue Havens Farm Rezone-CSM- Land Division Request
6-15-2021 Runde Rezone DCPREZ-2021-11728
3-16-2021 Zuehlke CUP 2514 OREGON revised
11-17-2020 Payne & Dolan CUP DCPCUP-2020-02510
11-17-2020 Rockwell Rezone-CSM DCPREZ-2020-11630 Application
11-17-2020 Rockwell Rezone-CSM DCPREZ-2020-11630 Certified Survey Map
11-17-2020 Shapiro Rezone-CSM DCPREZ-2020-11628
10-20-2020 Weber Rezone App DCPREZ-2020-11611
9-15-2020 Van Kampen Rezone-CSM
2-25-2020 Peterson-Madison Commercial Landscapes Rezone-CUP-CSM
2-25-2020 Mesdijan-Hageman Rezone-CSM
7-16-19 Neuenschwander & Wiedemann rezone
2-19-19 Olson CUP Request 2-19-19
2-19-19 Fleming (Greenscapes) rezone and CUP Request 2-19-19
2-19-19 Leverenz rezone and CUP Request 2-19-19
9-18-18 Hermsen Land Division and Rezone 9-18-18
9-18-19 Greenscapes Rezone 9-18-18
8-21-18 Bahr Rezone and CUP 8-21-18
7-17-18 Johnson Commercial Rezone
7-17-18 Stiklestad Land Division and Rezone 7-17-18
6-13-18 Ace Rezone and Lot Creation 6-13-18
5-15-18 Ace Land Division and Rezone 05-15-18
5-15-18 Cummings Land Division and Rezone 05-15-18
4-24-18 Schmid Land Division and Rezone 4-24-18
036 Dicke Variance Request from Dane County 12-5-17
037 Switzky Land Rezone and CUP 11-21-17
038 Brown Land Division and Rezone 8-15-17
039 Blue Vista Farms LLC Dane County Staff Report - Land Division and Rezone 5-16-17
040 Morrison Land Division and Rezone 5-16-17
041 Blue Vista Land Division and Rezone 5-16-17
042 Leverenz Rezone 3-21-17
043 Nelson Combining Lots and Rezone 2-28-17
044a Johnson Land Division and Rezone - Amended at Dane County
044 Johnson Land Division and Rezone 2-28-17
045 Dorrough Land Division and Rezone 11-15-16
046 Krebsbach Conservation Subdivision Request 10-18-16
047 Ganser Land Division and Rezone 8-16-16
048 Mullarkey Lot Line Adjustment and Rezone 7-19-16
049 O'Brien Land Division and Rezone 7-19-16
051 Rita Kluever Land Division and Rezone 5-17-16
052 Tom Buglass Land Division and Rezone 5-17-16
053 Marshall Bros Land Division 4-26-16
054 Roger Parson Steve Gasner Land Division and Rezone 4-26-16
055 Amended Conditional Uses for County View Vet Clinic 3-15-16
056 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #10 - 02-9-16
057 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #9 - 02-9-16
058 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #8 - 02-9-16
059 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #7 - 02-9-16
060 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #6 - 02-9-16
061 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #5 - 02-9-16
062 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #4 - 02-9-16
063 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #3 - 02-9-16
064 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #2 - 02-9-16
065 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #1 - 02-9-16
066 Payne & Dolan Changes in CUP 2-9-16
067 Marshall Land Division 02-9-16
068 Country View Vet Land Division and CUP Amendment 02-9-16
069 Dale Secher Land Division and Rezone - 12-16-14
070 Granger Rezone Map from County 8-19-14
071 Gerald Granger Land Division and Rezone 8-19-14
072 Warren Schmidt Land Division & Rezone 7-15-14
073 Switzky Submittal 6-17-14
074 Richard Fizzell CUP 5-20-14
075 Dale Secher Land Division and Rezone 5-20-14
076 Wayne Ace CUP Submittal 4-22-14
077 Wayne Ace Land Division and Rezone 02-25-14
078 Sigmund Land Rezone - 11-19-13
084 Anderson & Dane County Park Land Division and Rezone #1 - 10-15-13
085 Purdin Storage Condominium 6-18-13
086 Huston Submittal 6-18-13
087 Halbleib Submittal 6-18-13
088 Krajco Submittal 5-21-13
089 CUP Tipple 4-15-13
090 Lethem Land Division 12-17-12
091 Kok & Schlough Submittal 11-19-12
096 Goodspeed Submittal 7-16-12
097 Christensen Submittal 7-16-12
098 Runde Submittal 12-19-11
099 Fred Clark Submittal - Preliminary Certified Survey Map 01-16-11
100 Fred Clark Submittal 2011-01-11
2-19-19 Olson CUP Request 2-19-19
2-19-19 Fleming (Greenscapes) rezone and CUP Request 2-19-19
2-19-19 Leverenz rezone and CUP Request 2-19-19
9-18-18 Hermsen Land Division and Rezone 9-18-18
9-18-19 Greenscapes Rezone 9-18-18
8-21-18 Bahr Rezone and CUP 8-21-18
7-17-18 Johnson Commercial Rezone
7-17-18 StiklestadLand Division and Rezone 7-17-18
6-13-18 Ace Rezone and Lot Creation 6-13-18
5-15-18 Ace Land Division and Rezone 05-15-18
5-15-18 Cummings Land Division and Rezone 05-15-18
4-24-18 Schmid Land Division and Rezone 4-24-18
036 Dicke Variance Request from Dane County 12-5-17
037 Switzky Land Rezone and CUP 11-21-17
038 Brown Land Division and Rezone 8-15-17
039 Blue Vista Farms LLC Dane County Staff Report - Land Division and Rezone 5-16-17
040 Morrison Land Division and Rezone 5-16-17
041 Blue Vista Land Division and Rezone 5-16-17
042 Leverenz Rezone 3-21-17
043 Nelson Combining Lots and Rezone 2-28-17
044a Johnson Land Division and Rezone - Amended at Dane County
044 Johnson Land Division and Rezone 2-28-17
045 Dorrough Land Division and Rezone 11-15-16
046 Krebsbach Conservation Subdivision Request 10-18-16
047 Ganser Land Division and Rezone 8-16-16
048 Mullarkey Lot Line Adjustment and Rezone 7-19-16
049 O'Brien Land Division and Rezone 7-19-16
050 Erin Dammen Land Rezone 6-21-16
051 Rita Kluever Land Division and Rezone 5-17-16
052 Tom Buglass Land Division and Rezone 5-17-16
053 Marshall Bros Land Division 4-26-16
054 Roger Parson Steve Gasner Land Division and Rezone 4-26-16
055 Amended Conditional Uses for County View Vet Clinic 3-15-16
056 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #10 - 02-9-16
057 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #9 - 02-9-16
058 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #8 - 02-9-16
059 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #7 - 02-9-16
060 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #6 - 02-9-16
061 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #5 - 02-9-16
062 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #4 - 02-9-16
063 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #3 - 02-9-16
064 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #2 - 02-9-16
065 Payne Dolan Brooklyn Quarry #1 - 02-9-16
066 Payne & Dolan Changes in CUP 2-9-16
067 Marshall Land Division 02-9-16
068 Country View Vet Land Division and CUP Amendment 02-9-16
069 Dale Secher Land Division and Rezone - 12-16-14
070 Granger Rezone Map from County 8-19-14
071 Gerald Granger Land Division and Rezone 8-19-14
072 Warren Schmidt Land Division & Rezone 7-15-14
073 Switzky Submittal 6-17-14
074 Richard Fizzell CUP 5-20-14
075 Dale Secher Land Division and Rezone 5-20-14
076 Wayne Ace CUP Submittal 4-22-14
077 Wayne Ace Land Division and Rezone 02-25-14
078 Sigmund Land Rezone - 11-19-13
084 Anderson & Dane County Park Land Division and Rezone #1 - 10-15-13
085 Purdin Storage Condominium 6-18-13
086 Huston Submittal 6-18-13
087 Halbleib Submittal 6-18-13
088 Krajco Submittal 5-21-13
089 CUP Tipple 4-15-13
090 Lethem Land Division 12-17-12
091 Kok & Schlough Submittal 11-19-12
096 Goodspeed Submittal 7-16-12
097 Christensen Submittal 7-16-12
098 Runde Submittal 12-19-11
099 Fred Clark Submittal - Preliminary Certified Survey Map 01-16-11
100 Fred Clark Submittal 2011-01-11