2025 Elections
Spring Primary- Tuesday, February 18th
2-18-25 Type E Voting by Absentee
Notice of Public Test for Spring Primary February 18th, 2025
Type B Notice for Spring Primary 2025_Dane
Spring Election- Tuesday, April 1
How to Run for Local Office
Elections for local offices are held the first Tuesday in April every year. Elected offices for the Town of Oregon include the Town Board (one Chairperson and four Town Supervisors) and the Joint Municipal Judge. Town Board terms run for two years and are staggered, with the Chairperson and 2 Supervisors elected in odd years, 2 Supervisors elected in even years. The Municipal Judge term is 4 years, with the current term beginning on May 1, 2019.
Candidates for Town of Oregon elected offices are selected by the Nomination Paper method. Please see ELIS-7 Nomination Ballot Access Checklist - Spring 2023 for specific requirements.
Candidates may begin circulating nomination papers no earlier than December 1st in the year preceding the election. Completed EL-169 Nomination Paper for Nonpartisan Office (with at least 20 signatures of Town residents), a Campaign Registration Statement, and EL-162 Declaration of Candidacy must all be turned in to the Clerk by 5:00 P.M. on the first Tuesday in January (or Wednesday, if Tuesday is a holiday). If more than two candidates turn completed nomination papers for the same office, a primary election will be held on the third Tuesday of February.
Placement (order) of candidate names on the ballot will be determined by a random drawing at a time and location noticed by the Clerk.
In addition to the above, Municipal Judge candidates must also complete and submit a Statement of Economic Interests (SEI) to the Wisconsin Ethics Commission office using the website https://sei.wi.gov, no later than the third day following the deadline for nomination papers, or the candidate’s name will not appear on the ballot. Wis. Stat. §§ 8.10(5), 8.30(3), 19.43(4).
For more information on campaign finance reporting requirements, see https://ethics.wi.gov/Pages/CampaignFinance/CampaignFinance.aspx
For more information on running for local office, see the Non-Partisan Local Office area at https://elections.wi.gov/candidates/local-candidates#230548828-1556562227
Please visit https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/ for information such as Voter Information, Request Absentee Ballot, Sample Ballot, Voter Activity, Polling Place Location, Elected Officials.
Polling Location:
Oregon Town Hall, 1138 Union Rd., Oregon, WI 53575
Polling Hours on Election Day:
7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
You are not allowed to pick-up a ballot for yourself or anyone else (unless hospitalized where certain conditions must be followed).
Absentee Ballots by Mail:
You may return completed absentee ballots to the Oregon Town Hall by mail or drop off during open office hours.
To request an absentee ballot or check the status of an absentee ballot or to view voting history, please visit https://myvote.wi.gov/.
Contact Clerk's Office at 835-3200
Link to Wisconsin Elections Commission:
Wisconsin Elections Commission
The firmware on the DS200 voting scanner & tabulator has been updated. Here are the new screen images you will see for Insert your ballot and Thank you for voting.