- This event has passed.
Policy Committee Meeting
November 11, 2020@2:00 pm-3:00 pm
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
2:00 p.m.
Oregon Town Hall
1138 Union Road
Oregon, WI 53575
Special Video Conferencing/Telephone Meeting
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including Federal, State and County emergency orders limiting crowds, this meeting is being held via Zoom video conference/telephone.
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Meeting ID: 813 0676 5602
Passcode: 373892
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Meeting ID: 813 0676 5602
Passcode: 373892
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcTB6n4yce
You may be asked to mute your device during the meeting. If you do not have internet access or are unable to participate electronically, you need to contact the town at 835-3200 for accommodations.
- Call Policy Committee meeting to order.
- Discussion and possible action re: procedure that the town board would follow in exercising its authority to make appointments to fill vacancies when they occur on the town board.
- Adjournment.
Posted 11/5/2020
Note: Agendas are subject to amendment after publication. Check the official posting locations (Town Hall, Town of Oregon Recycling Center and Oregon Village Hall) including the Town website at www.townoforegonwi.gov. It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the town may be in attendance at any of the meetings to gather information; however, no action will be taken by any governmental body at said meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to in the meeting notice. Requests from persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting or hearing should be made to the Clerk’s office at 835-3200 with 48 hours notice.