- This event has passed.
Town Board Meeting Start at 5:30pm
October 10, 2023@5:30 pm-10:00 pm
Oregon Town Board
1138 Union Road, Oregon, WI 53575
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. **Notice New Start Time**
The Oregon Town Board will meet in-person and provide an option to join the meeting from your computer or phone at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9443402126?pwd=cDBNZ1RVc3hQc3FFYjl0a1pPTkhmUT09
Meeting ID: 944 340 2126 Passcode: 1138 You can also dial in using your phone +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago).
- Call Town Board Meeting to order
- Roll Call
- Presentation from Village of Oregon on Senior Center Funding by Martin Shanks and Phil Van Kampen
- Approval of minutes
- Financial Report and Payment Voucher Approval
- Public Comments
This part of the agenda allows members of the public to provide information to the Town Board, including items both on and off the agenda. Under the Open Meetings Law, this agenda item allows the Board to receive information, and to ask questions of a presenter to facilitate a better understanding of the information. Board members may discuss procedural matters relating to the information, such as whether the information should be directed to staff, referred to a committee, or placed on a future Board agenda. However, Board members may not expand their discussion beyond such procedural matters. Twenty (20) minutes will be provided for this item with a three (3) minute maximum per speaker; otherwise, the agenda will proceed as posted. (This note may not be read at Board meetings.)
- Fire & EMS Report (Brooklyn, Belleville, and Oregon)
- Discussion and possible Approval re: amendment to Brooklyn Fire & EMS district agreement
- Discussion and possible Approval re: purchase of new engine for Belleville Fire
- Town Disposal Site Report (TORC)
- Discussion and possible Action re: hours of operation
- Plan Commission Report
- Discussion and possible approval re: Engineering Plan for Jensen Petition # DCPREZ-2022-11885; Parcel #0509-154-9410-0, 0509-154-9220-0 and 0509-159-9530-0 North and South of Town Park Road. Update on Developer’s Agreement.
- Park Report
- Senior Center Report
- Discussion and possible action re: senior center donation for 2024
- Road & Traffic Safety Committee Report
- Public Works Report
- Discussion and possible approval re: hiring of on-call snowplow/equipment operator
- Building Inspection Report
- Board Communication.
Upcoming Meetings: 10/19/23@5:30pm budget work session; 11/16/23@6pm budget hearing/adopt levy
- Discussion and possible Approval re: town hall office furniture and carpet. Update on Town Hall Remodel Project using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding.
- Clerk’s Report and Loan Update
- Adjournment
Posted 10/4/2023
Amended 10/6&9/2023
Note: Agendas are subject to amendment after publication. Check the posting locations Town of Oregon Hall, 1138 Union Road and the Town website at www.townoforegonwi.gov. It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the town maybe in attendance at any of the meetings to gather information; however, no action will be taken by any governmental body at said meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to in the meeting notice. Requests from persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting or hearing should be made to the Clerk’s office at 835-3200 with 48 hours-notice.