
Pancake Breakfast and Bake Sale Sunday, January 26 7:30am-11:30am:


Tornado Season Is Early

On February 8th, Wisconsin recorded its first two documented tornadoes to occur in the month of February going back to 19501. The Evansville-to-Lake Koshkonong tornado tracked not too many miles south of Oregon.

You wouldn’t think that in February we’d be concerned about tornado season, but here we are.

Visit these websites to learn more.

ReadyWisconsin — Be informed about tornadoes



Follow ReadyWisconsin on Instagram for tips and alerts

Dane County Emergency Management — Natural Hazards

Emergency Preparedness & Planning

(Summary from Dane County Emergency Management)

Wisconsin’s tornado season runs from April through September. The greatest numbers of tornadoes have occurred in May, June, and July. Wisconsin averages almost 20 tornadoes per year. Most tornado damage is caused by violent winds. Many injuries and deaths result from flying debris. When a tornado threatens, immediate action can save your life. These tips will also help:

  • Be aware of the outdoor tornado siren signal system and know the difference between a tornado watch and warning.
  • In homes and small buildings go to the basement or to an interior part on the lowest level – closets, bathrooms or interior halls. Get under something sturdy. Do not leave the building until the storm has passed.
  • In schools, nursing homes, hospitals, factories, and shopping centers, go to pre-designated shelter areas. interior hallways on the lowest floor are usually best. Avoid auditoriums, gymnasiums, or other structures with wide, freespan roofs.
  • In high-rise buildings, go to interior small rooms or hallways.
  • In vehicles or mobile homes, leave them and go to a substantial structure. if there is no shelter nearby, lie flat in the nearest ditch, ravine, or culvert with your hands shielding your head.

Dane County Emergency Management — NOAA All-Hazards Radio


What is NOAA All-Hazards Radio?
(Summary from Dane County Emergency Management)

More commonly known as NOAA Weather Radio, or simply weather radio, a NOAA All-Hazards radio receives broadcasts exclusively from the National Weather Service. The radio can provide rapid warning, direct from the source, when hazardous weather conditions pose a threat to life and property. It is truly an “all-hazards” notification system, used not only for immediate flood or tornado related events, but also hazardous materials releases or other localized hazards. The radio receivers behave like smoke detectors, silently monitoring, and then alerting people to the initial warning message immediately upon receipt, providing more time to respond to the event. More information on the system is available directly from the National Weather Service here.

Where can I buy a weather radio?

NOAA All-Hazards Radios are available through local electronics stores as well as from a large number of sources on the internet. The National Weather Service maintains a list of manufacturers and retail outlets, posted on the NWS/NOAA website.


1 National Weather Service — www.weather.gov/mkx/FebruarySevereWeather
Image NWS Milwaukee Radar (still frame) — www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh_VVFeIPHI&t=6s