
Vision 2040 Survey Access: Check your mail! Postcards with a link to the Vision 2040 Survey are arriving in mailboxes now. (Some residents may receive paper versions of the survey.) We hope that you and all adults in your household who are age 18 and over will participate by taking the survey. Individual responses are encouraged.  What do you think about your hometown? We’d love to know! The Vision 2040 Survey is a great way for you to share your views of the Town of Oregon now and also how you imagine our community’s future in the years up to 2040.  Thank you in advance for participating! And please contact us if you have questions.  


2019-2021 Farmland Preservation Biennial Report Now Available


2019-2021 Farmland Preservation Biennial Report Now Available

Dear Producers, Conservationists, Land Stewards, Stakeholders and Members of the Public,

Every two years, the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection reports on the status of the Farmland Preservation Program. The 2019-2021 Farmland Preservation Biennial Report is now available.

The report includes farmland availability and conversion trends, program participation, tax credit claims data, as well as trends related to farmland preservation planning, farmland preservation zoning, agricultural enterprise areas (AEAs), farmland preservation agreements and conservation compliance.

Be sure to read about how Monroe County was able to leverage an Innovation Grant to encourage participation and invigorate the original goals of their designated Agricultural Enterprise Areas in the AEAs section, starting on page 15, and how the pilot grant program is carrying momentum into the next biennium.

The report contemplates program costs, issues, opportunities and recommendations, reflecting on the challenges of the 2019-2021 biennium while looking to the future, starting on page 27.

Please share with anyone who may be interested!


The Farmland Preservation Program Team at DATCP



Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

Farmland Preservation Program



For additional information on Farmland Preservation https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs_Services/FarmlandPreservation.aspx