
Vision 2040 Survey Access: Check your mail! Postcards with a link to the Vision 2040 Survey are arriving in mailboxes now. (Some residents may receive paper versions of the survey.) We hope that you and all adults in your household who are age 18 and over will participate by taking the survey. Individual responses are encouraged.  What do you think about your hometown? We’d love to know! The Vision 2040 Survey is a great way for you to share your views of the Town of Oregon now and also how you imagine our community’s future in the years up to 2040.  Thank you in advance for participating! And please contact us if you have questions.  


Town Seeks Resident to Fill Board Vacancy

The Town of Oregon Board of Supervisors seeks interested residents to apply for filling the remainder of the vacant Town Board Supervisor position that ends in April 2024. Residency in the Town of Oregon, Wisconsin, is required to be considered for filling this vacancy. The appointed individual will serve on the Town Board and various committees for the remainder of the term.

To request a copy of the application, including more details about the appointment process, please send an email to Jennifer Hanson, Town Clerk, at JHanson@townoforegonwi.gov or visit the Town of Oregon website at https://townoforegonwi.gov/forms-permits/. On the website, look for the Town Supervisor Application section to download the application. Paper copies are available during regular business hours at the Town Hall.

The deadline for submitting applications is Thursday, May 25 before 4:00 p.m. Applications can be returned via mail, in person at 1138 Union Road, Oregon WI 53575, or by email to JHanson@townoforegonwi.gov.

Town Officers entitled by Wis. Stats. §17.25(1) to vote on the appointment shall give equal consideration to all applicants.