
Vision 2040 Survey Access: Check your mail! Postcards with a link to the Vision 2040 Survey are arriving in mailboxes now. (Some residents may receive paper versions of the survey.) We hope that you and all adults in your household who are age 18 and over will participate by taking the survey. Individual responses are encouraged.  What do you think about your hometown? We’d love to know! The Vision 2040 Survey is a great way for you to share your views of the Town of Oregon now and also how you imagine our community’s future in the years up to 2040.  Thank you in advance for participating! And please contact us if you have questions.  


Winter Weather is Here!

Like it or not, we’re starting to get more snow and cold weather. That makes it a great time to brush up on ways to be prepared for winter weather hazards to come.

If you have a weather emergency; including down street signs, trees or other road concerns, please call Dane County Sheriff’s department at 608-266-4948.  Since town phone lines are not monitored during weather emergencies, it is best to email using the Contact Us form availabe here https://townoforegonwi.gov/contact-us/ with questions or concerns.  

Visit these websites to learn more.

❄️ Ready.gov — Winter Weather


❄️ ReadyWisconsin — Be informed about winter weather

Winter Storms

Extreme Cold

Follow ReadyWisconsin on Instagram

❄️ Wisconsin Department of Health Services — Winter Weather Health and Safety Tips



❄️ Dane County Emergency Management — Natural Hazards

Emergency Preparedness & Planning

Winter Storms
(Summary from Dane County Emergency Management)

The winter season is a magical time, but winter storms can kill. Each year, thousands are killed or injured by automobile accidents, home fires, over-exertion, exposure, carbon monoxide poisoning, falls, and electrocution from downed wires. View the tips below to see how you can protect yourself and your family.

    • Stay indoors during storms. Avoid over-exertion or exposure if you must go out, especially if shoveling snow.
    • Have an emergency supply of food, which requires no cooking or refrigeration in case of power failure.
    • Make sure your household smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are in working order.
    • Avoid travel during a storm if possible. If you must travel, do so during daylight hours and try not to travel alone. Stay on main roads, and keep others informed of your schedule and route. Checking current road conditions before you leave is important. You can do this by calling Winter Road Conditions (https://511wi.gov/winterroadconditions) at 1-800-762-3947 / Traveler information: Call 511 or (866) 511-9472.
    • If a blizzard traps you in your car, pull off the road, set hazard lights to flashing, and hang a distress flag from the radio aerial or window. Remain in your vehicle and conserve fuel/battery life.