
Vision 2040 Survey Access: Check your mail! Postcards with a link to the Vision 2040 Survey are arriving in mailboxes now. (Some residents may receive paper versions of the survey.) We hope that you and all adults in your household who are age 18 and over will participate by taking the survey. Individual responses are encouraged.  What do you think about your hometown? We’d love to know! The Vision 2040 Survey is a great way for you to share your views of the Town of Oregon now and also how you imagine our community’s future in the years up to 2040.  Thank you in advance for participating! And please contact us if you have questions.  


Pellitteri Mobile App


Download Our Mobile App This Earth Day! 


Happy Earth Day! The purpose of Earth Day is to raise awareness of the need to protect the Earth’s natural resources for future generations. One of the best ways people can protect the planet is to recycle properly.  

The Pellitteri Waste Systems mobile app has a Recycle Right Search Tool so you can check if items can be recycled.

The app also allows you to:

·        View your collection schedule 

·        Get alerts for inclement weather or delays 

·        Set a weekly reminder so you never miss trash or recycling day again

Thanks for recycling and doing your part! Please contact us with any questions at 608.257.4285 or info@pellitteri.com.




Download the app! 


Recycling Resources

·        Watch your recycling get sorted in this 7-minute video

·        View dozens of 1-minute recycling tip videos to become a Super Recycler

·        Watch “Becoming Stewards of Recycling,” which aired on the Into the Outdoors kids’ educational TV series, to find out more about solid waste science and technology in WI

·        Review residential recycling lists available  in English and Spanish

·        Like our Facebook page for future recycling updates

·        Read news pieces featuring your local recycler